
Slim Pickins

No not the actor that those of a certain age will remember................

Determined to do a proper cycle I only briefly stopped at VP2 were a good chat to a guy who doesn't do much wildlife photography got me down when he showed me a picture of a Fire Crest that was only a few feet from him earlier! I did manage a nice shot of a Song Thrush that was quite happy to shuffle in the grass in front of the platform in a Black Bird styleee and a Female Stonechat on the opposite bank, a regular visitor.

Female Stonechat

Song Thrush with the tell tale heart

It was going to be one of those days, I thought, bit dead round these parts while the rest of the world seemed to be getting a feast elsewhere. I must stick to the cause though and soldier on regardless.

Fortified with tea from Echo Bites it was decision time. I had planned on checking out the Hawk & Owl Trust reserve by Seventy Acres but something drew me to Catcott. Catcott it was.

I arrived and felt a little subdued. A few ducks and a far off Great White Egret was about it. The ducks being the usual suspect at this time of year. Pintails, Teal, Wigeon and a few Shovellers. Plus a small flock of Black Tailed Godwits at the back.





Teal again

Scruffy (or old?) looking Shoveller

All was calm.................

Then this young dude turned up!

Weeeeeee look at meeeeee

Run for it lads!

Ha haaa you can run but you can't hide

And again. This is fun

Where did you go?

I can see you

Target locked

Peregrine coming at yah

Come to papa

Oye stop moving about

Sorry! I missed them

Can I just apologies for the silliness of the captions. It was a lovely day for it and a pretty good display.

For the finale this guy gal sauntered passed giving an iconic picture.

Female Marsh Harrier and Tor (Yes that is dust on the sensor!!)

In the field at the back as I cycled away I had a nice long look at a hunting Kestrel.


And while I was at it I might as well stay for the Murmurations back at Ham Wall since I was passing that way. Bit disappointed to be honest. Nice big flock but went down within minutes of coming over. I managed a few artistic pics while I was at it.

Quit nice

The wind pump

Nothing special but about as good as it got.

So between me and the Peregrine there was slim pickins today. Ok so the Peregrine was pretty good. Mustnt grumble, some people would kill for the stuff I've seen today. Familiarity breeds contempt they say. Very true.

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